Mademoiselle Rose

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friendly Duck's of Brome Lake...

My dog Pancho of 10 years
 After cleaning my photo gallery in my computer
I came across beautiful images from last summer... 
First summer enjoying the lac across the street from our new home call Brome Lake !
Where the Duck's is well renowned around the world
 My trip on the water made me thinking a little different
Living the experience to encounter the duck's in many occasions
Since then let just say, I don't eat no more duck's!!!
Enjoy the View & your Tuesday
Bisous xox

 Pancho is not at ease just yet...
 second time in a canoe !

Early morning on the water

They swim near by...
The furry white thing is my pooch getting very comfortable
 around mid summer in the canoe !
Look how familiar the duck's get to me... 



BLOGGER. said...

Super belles photos de Toi et Pancho en canot,
des canards
et notre beau Lac Brome
Wow!quel beau coucher de soleil!!
!!MAGNIFI i..i..QUE!!

Monia xox

soniadaigle said...

Merci Monia,
Ces une belles facon pour nous de profiter du lac
de nos superbe coucher de soleil
ainsi que de nos amis les canards !!! xx

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