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Friday, April 27, 2012

To be continued on Facebook

Hello lovely followers 
Life as funny way sometime to send me sign*
From my experience only time away without any distraction can make me change the things I always wanted to do... 
But procrastinated about!!!
Here it is
I left for vacation with my beau and my computer!!!
To stay in touch with families and friends, ya right...
I use to go on vacation without this devise and enjoyed my vacations
 point a line...
But then my computer was stolen on vacation! :(
 Any hoo, just saying I'm only a computer savvy since a couple of years ago... 
Never liked electronic devise until I became single and had no choice of getting back into social medias. Neither was I a writer or sitting for hours at a time...
I always was active and my job required me to be standing up for hours!!!
Blogging was once a dream of mine... 
Having 3 full weeks away... 
I was able to free myself from the virtual world, and focus solely on my new venture
My dream now is to be 
 living to the fullest in reality and not virtually 
 focusing on my new venture...

I will still Inspired you for as long as I lived with 

beautiful images that's speak to my heart 

 Come and say hello here at Mademoiselle Rose
You can also ''LIKE" my page over here 

 I would love to hear from you 


  1. It's wonderful that you are back!...Somedays we really need to hear silence. Just always follow your's where your heart is! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Having some good quality time away brings me at peace...
    Following my heart and passion is priority no.1 to be able to give all I've got!
    Thank you Maria for stopping by...
    Treat yourself this weekend xo

  3. Oh wow...getting your computer stolen is a nightmare. But I do understand how it can be liberating. I hope you don't stop blogging though...I would miss you!!

  4. Priority order to give my best at what I do, I need to devote all my energy towards my passion!
    Unfortunately for now I will stop blogging.
    Sharon I would miss you big time, if you don't come over to my other pages.
    Enjoy your Sunday, xo

  5. Snif, snif, je suis un peu triste! Par contre, je comprends très bien ce choix que je qualifie de judicieux.
    Le vol de l'ordi fut une occasion de prêter l'oreille aux désirs du coeur. Ainsi tu découvres un rythme équilibré entre le virtuel et le réel, le bon accord entre les exigences et les plaisirs de l'un et de l'autre. De l'harmonie en tout et pour réussir cela, il faut faire des choix et maîtriser l'art de faire des pauses.
    En suivant ton coeur, l'espace de ton quotidien ne tardera pas à résonner comme une joyeuse mélodie.
    Grosses bises xoxFrançoise

  6. Je suis sereine envers ce choix qui me trottais la tête depuis un moment, je vois un avenir occupé pour la déco et le Staging et je veux avoir toute ma tête et mon coeur a l'enplois.
    Merci de comprendre chère Françoise et surtout n'hésite pas de visiter mes autres pages!
    A bientot nous avons hate de vous revoir!!!

  7. Well Done Sonia!!! Cheer for that!!! Wish you all the best and send you a huge hug from Argentina!!! Keep Rocking Girl!!! XoXo :)

  8. Life is good to me, I have more work coming my way doing what I love since I stop blogging!
    Thanks Macarena for your sweet comment
    Come and say hello on Facebook anytime

  9. Pink is also my favorite and happy color
    I hope to see you follow my pink world here!
    Have a lovely weekend,xo

  10. Thank you sweetie...
    Have yourself a lovely weekend!

  11. So sorry you lost your computer, Sonia, but sounds as if it may have been a blessing in disquise, letting you concentrate on a new chapter! I wish you well in all you do and can't wait to hear all about your ventures. Looking forward to seeing you pins on pinterest, as I just followed all your boards ;) Techy devices definitely have their good and bad points and sometimes it seems like we're not living in the here and now, but are off in cyberspace always. I used to leave my house all of the time without a cell phone and never thought anything about it and now I feel as if I must turn right around and go home if I forget it. Some freedom from electronics is a good thing, I think! Thanks so much for stopping by today! xox

    Sandy M

  12. Thank you Sandy for taking the times to comment...
    It's not always easy to be focusing... but so far it's been paying off!!!
    I still love the virtual world but in a normal dose and especially to stay in contact with people like yourself!!!
    Luv xo

  13. Please, where can I find this chaise~?????!!!!!!
    My daughter is in love with it and I cannot find it anywhere~
    Please help~!!!
    Email me at

    Thank You~
    Kaattrianna Prince

  14. Hello Kattrianna,
    I wish I could help you find this exact chair
    Unfortunately I never saw it anywhere!
    All the best research to you

  15. Hi Sonia! I hope you've had a wonderful summer and have had a chance to relax and have lots of fun! Wanted to stop by to say hello and thanks for stopping by this week at Ooh La Frou Frou and for your congrats on the SPARKLE book illustration .. exciting! I hope you have a marvelous September! xo Sandy

    SANDY M Illustration
