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Monday, February 27, 2012

Pretty sharpened...

We all need to be constantly sharpened. This parable may encourage you to know that you are a special person, with unique talents and abilities. Only you can fulfill the purpose which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot be changed and, like the pencil, always remember that the most important part of who you are, is what's inside of you.  Unknown source  
Follow your heart do what you love and do it often, never let anyone tell you otherwise...
What is your motto to always keep yourself sharpened ?
May your day be filled with sunshine...
Bisous xo
images via


  1. Sonia ~

    What a lovely thought and post. What do I do to keep myself sharpened? I've written about this before and you may have seen it, but one of the things that I do is keep a book of "Favorite Things." Years ago, I chose a pretty blank book and had the name "Favorite Things" put on the cover. I keep it on my desk near me. It's handwritten, and each time I think of a new favorite thing of mine I add it to the book. I can't tell you how happy it can make you to just read through your list of favorite things sometimes. It reminds you of who you are, of places you haven't visited in a while and loved, of the small things and the big things. I've handwritten everything from "the smell of baby powder" and "the taste of fresh raspberries" to more elaborate things. I try to write the entries in the best way to describe how they make me feel, such as "the sound of the water as it laps against the yachts tied at Saugatuck" instead of just "Saugatuck." I love this so much, it will be one of the things created for the Ooh La Frou Frou Boutique. I also try to figure out how to make each day an occasion. This is more than words to me and is much like a grateful journal. Even small things can make an occasion if you're in the moment and feel the joy of it as its happening.

    Thanks so much for dropping by my place, darling ... love having you a part of Ooh La Frou Frou. And thank you for such a lovely compliment ;) ~xoSM

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou

  2. Wow Sandy, how inspiring you are...thank you for sharing your way of keeping yourself sharpened
    I feel really privilege to have your quill on my blog!
    You've made my day!

  3. Love the message and all the glamorous photos! Beautiful post!! ox

  4. Anything Glamorous, feminine and pretty to make us girly girl happy!!!
    Have a sweet day Debby

  5. J'ai un journal de gratitude. Avant de me mettre au lit, j'écris dans un beau carnet 3 choses (et plus) survenues au cours de la journé pour lesquelles je peux remercier.
    Je réalise que je suis dans l'abondance et que je suis privilégiée. C'est dans les plus petits détails que se révèle la saveur de la vie. Il faut juste que les yeux de mes yeux soient ouverts...

    Et visionner ton blog Sonia est l'un des ces beaux plaisirs!
    Françoise xoxoxoxo

  6. Comme ces beau d'entendre ces mots doux et juste Françoise de savoir que je peux contribuer a faire plaisir et nourrir nos yeux me rempli de bonheur!!!
    Merci chère et tendre amie
